Saturday, March 6, 2010

it's a coney island kind of day

Two of my roommates and I ventured out to Coney Island today. It was almost perfect (if only it had been a few degrees warmer). Nathan's hot dogs, sand, and sea. What a lovely Saturday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Copper brownstone on the UWS.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Well, hello there.

My friend Charlotte likes to tell me that I make tacky things beautiful.

What she means by this is that I can wear argyle socks with flats and not look completely ridiculous.

Or that I can look completely ridiculous and get away with it.

This blog is a project. I just got a Nikon camera, and I want to capture every part of New York City.

See the beautiful from my eyes. Or the tacky.